Monday, February 11, 2008

Designing Intersection Controller

This study covers following terms:
  1. What is an agent.
  2. Elements and properties of an agent.
  3. Specification of environment.
  4. Structure of an agent.
  5. Different kinds of agents.
  6. Selecting appropriate agent.
  7. How the agent will handle sensor data.
  8. Algorithm: Minimum cost maximum flow, Minimum cost circulation, cost/ capacity scaling.
  9. How the agent will make change the status of the traffic signal lights. (Flowchart, algorithm, step-by-step derivation).
  10. How an agent will interact with its adjacent agents.
  11. How an agent will interact with main controller.

Status: Working

How to choose a right traffic sensor for Dhaka

In this study following terms are covered
  1. Specification of environment.
  2. Elements in traffic intersections & roads
  3. Decesion making parameters.
  4. Sensor Choosing Algorithm.
  5. Stepwise description of algorithm

Status: Done